You cannot able to keep your habit or want to create new habit. Then try this amazing app Habit Tracker A basic Habit Tracking System. Tech Stack : HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js
Here is the Technology Stack of this Application. which I have used to Built this Application.
This code follows MVC pattern and hence everything is differentiated and well managed:
| |--- css
| | |-- detail.css
| | |-- home.css
| | |-- footer.css
| | |-- sign-in.css
| | |-- sign-up.css
| |
| |---- js
| | |--detail.js
| |
| | ---- image
|------ config
| └--- mongoose.js
| |---- passport.js
|------ controllers
| └--- detailview_Controller.js
| |--- home_controller.js
| |--- user_controller.js
|------ models
| └--- habit.js
| └--- users.js
|------ routes
| └--- index.js
| |--- info.js
| |--- user.js
|------ views
| |--- _footer.ejs
| |--- home.ejs
| └--- layout.ejs
| |---_header.ejs
| |--- user_profile.ejs
| |--- user_sign_in.ejs
| |--- user_sign_up.ejs
|------ index.js
|------ package.json
|------ package-lock.json
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag “enhancement”. Don’t forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!